SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon today announced that they have reached final agreement on the 2019-20 state budget:
“We are pleased to announce that the Governor, Senate and Assembly have come to a final agreement on the 2019-2020 California budget and accompanying legislation.
“This budget builds record reserves for a rainy day and pays off debt while doing more than any budget in state history to help families tackle challenges of affordability and confront the cost crisis. The budget passed by the Legislature puts more than a billion dollars in the pockets of working people and small businesses across California. While the Trump Administration attempts to take health care away from families, this budget makes California a national leader in the fight to expand access to health care and to help families, including middle-income families, afford health care coverage. This budget puts the state on the path to universal preschool access and expands child care for working parents. It also provides ongoing funding to deliver safe drinking water to the million Californians who don’t currently have it.
“The high cost of housing is chief among the affordability and quality of life challenges families face. Importantly, we have come to agreement on a package of housing measures, one that creates strong incentives – both sticks and carrots – to help spur housing production across this state, all while providing significant levels of funding to fight homelessness.
“We appreciate the work of the budget committees and members of the Legislature to make this agreement happen.”