SACRAMENTO – On Monday, August 19, Governor Gavin Newsom will sign AB 392, the use-of force bill by Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D-San Diego).
The bill will modernize standards for use of deadly force by officers. Specifically, this bill updates the existing deadly force standards to provide that deadly force may only be used when necessary. AB 392 will encourage law enforcement to increasingly rely on de-escalation techniques like verbal persuasion and other crisis intervention methods.
Who: Governor Gavin Newsom; Assemblymember Shirley Weber; Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins; Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon; Assemblymember Kevin McCarty; Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg; and community leaders and families
When: Monday, August 19, 2019 at 10:45 a.m.
Where: Secretary of State’s Office Courtyard; 1500 11th St, Sacramento, CA 95814. (NOTE: Please enter via 11th Street entrance.)
**NOTE: This event is open to registered attendees and credentialed media only. Reporters interested in attending must RSVP to