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WHAT THEY’RE SAYING: Water, Labor, Business, and Equity Leaders Support Proposed Delta Conveyance Project

SACRAMENTO – After the Department of Water Resources released the Final Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Delta Conveyance Project, leaders from across the state are emphasizing why it’s needed to protect water access for millions of Californians.

Jennifer Pierre, General Manager of the State Water Contractors: “We applaud DWR for advancing the Delta Conveyance Project with the release of the Final EIR and for reaching this critical point in the project’s development. The proposed project is a crucial part of the state’s Water Resilience Portfolio and protects the state against future water supply losses caused by climate-driven weather extremes, sea level rise and earthquakes. We look forward to seeing the Final EIR certified. We can no longer afford to let this project be delayed any further. Our climate reality requires that we build and adapt, and the Delta Conveyance Project is one of the best opportunities we will ever have to get that done for California.”

Charley Wilson, Executive Director of the Southern California Water Coalition: “I am thrilled to see a significant milestone in California’s journey towards water resilience. Let’s face it, California’s weather has been throwing us some wild curveballs lately—intense storms, droughts that seem to drag on forever, rising sea levels, and other climate surprises. It’s clear that we need to step up our game when it comes to water management. The Delta Conveyance Project is the state’s best answer to these challenges.“

Jennifer Barrera, California Chamber of Commerce: “Today’s release of the final environmental document is an important step forward in advancing this critical plan to protect California’s water supply. California’s economy relies on the success of its private sector businesses and agricultural operations which are dependent on stable, reliable water supplies. Improving California’s water system and its infrastructure through the Delta Conveyance Project is urgently needed and we appreciate the Governor’s leadership on this project.”

Rick Callender, NAACP California/Hawaii State Conference: “The NAACP CA/HI State Conference supports the Delta Conveyance Project because we need to act urgently to prepare California for the impacts of climate change. Millions of Californians receive much of our clean drinking water from this source, and we must work to ensure the safety of this vital water supply. Ensuring that California has the capacity to move and store water when it is abundant, to save it for when it is not, is a crucial climate adaptation strategy. We must act before it is too late.”

Adel Hagekhalil, General Manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California: “Metropolitan is taking steps to reduce its reliance on the Delta, through increased conservation, water recycling and storage. Still, the water imported through the State Water Project will always be an essential component of Southern California’s supply. Ensuring its future reliability must be consistent with the state’s coequal goal of ecosystem restoration for the Delta. The finalization of the DCP EIR, along with a comprehensive mitigation plan, will help make sure the actions we take to protect our water supply are done in an environmentally responsible way.”

Joseph Cruz, California State Council of Laborers: “Representing 80,000 union members working in the heavy construction industry across the state, the California State Council of Laborers is proud to support the Delta Conveyance Project and its goal of helping meet California’s long-term water supply needs. By modernizing the state’s water delivery infrastructure, the DCP will create tens of thousands of jobs while protecting water supplies from major earthquakes, floods and other challenges.”

Tracy Hernandez, Los Angeles County Business Federation (BizFed): “BizFed has long been an enthusiastic mobilizer of support for the Delta Conveyance Project because the ports, hospitals, warehouses, energy hubs, transportation agencies, builders, restaurants, retailers, hotels and other businesses we unite are all dependent on the cost-effective flow of clean, safe water. We must shore up water resiliency – one of California’s most pressing issues – in order for Californians to thrive.”

John L. Varela, Board Chair, Valley Water: “Amid the intensified storms and prolonged droughts of climate change, water supply reliability is more critical than ever. We are pleased the final EIR has been completed. This environmental document is important for our agency to continue evaluating the Delta Conveyance Project, which provides low-cost imported supplies and keeps water affordable for disadvantaged communities.”

Adrian Covert, Bay Area Council: “The Bay Area Council, representing 350 of the region’s largest employers, supports the Delta Conveyance Project because it is vital to our economy to protect this essential water source. Water reliability is absolutely paramount to the sustainability of California’s economy. Any period of time when water deliveries are interrupted, whether due to sea level rise, flood or earthquake, will have catastrophic impacts on California’s economy. The Delta Conveyance Project is absolutely necessary to prevent system failure!”

Michael Quigley, CA Alliance for Jobs: “We represent more than 2,000 heavy construction companies and 80,000 union construction workers from Kern County to the Oregon border and strongly support the Delta Conveyance Project. This project will protect and create nearly one million jobs across California.”

Matt Stone, General Manager, Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency: “It is important to recognize the essential role played by water sourced from the State Water Project in the overall supply portfolio that sustains our community. The State Water Project is a significant ongoing investment our community has made over decades. The Delta Conveyance Project further reinforces this lifeline, and in conjunction with water storage and banking investments offers critical support during dry periods in our Valley. These vital initiatives ensure a reliable and resilient water supply, safeguarding our future and providing for the well-being of the people we serve in the Santa Clarita Valley. In the intricate dance of water management, these projects are the choreography that keeps our community flourishing and thriving.”

Valerie Pryor, General Manager for Zone 7 Water Agency: “The State Water Project is vital to our community as it provides 70% of the water supply used to enhance the quality of life, economic vitality, and environmental health to our region. The Delta Conveyance Project will modernize the State Water Project and ensure water supply reliability. This Project is one of the suite of projects the Zone 7 Water Agency is evaluating to maintain and enhance water supply reliability for the Tri Valley Region which it serves. We are excited to see California reach this important milestone to modernize our aging Delta infrastructure, accommodate new climate extremes and ensure reliable supplies are available for our homes, farms, and businesses.  We look forward to seeing this Final EIR certified so we can begin the modernization work that will carry the State Water Project into the next century.”
