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TOMORROW: In Los Angeles County, Governor Newsom, U.C. System and Business Leaders to Make Major Science and Technology Announcement

LOS ANGELES COUNTY – Tomorrow, in Los Angeles County, Governor Newsom will join University of California President Michael Drake, UCLA Chancellor Gene Block, representatives of Google, elected officials, and academic, business, and health care leaders to make a significant announcement advancing California’s role as the world’s leader in science and technology.

WHEN: Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at approximately 11:30 AM PT.

LIVESTREAM: @CAgovernor Twitter page, California Governor Facebook page, and the Governor’s YouTube page.

This event will also be available to TV stations on the LiveU Matrix under “California Governor.”

**NOTE: This in-person press event will be open to credentialed media only. Media interested in attending must RSVP to govpressoffice@gov.ca.gov by no later than Wednesday, January 3 at 8:00 AM.
